It's all about paying it forward...
​Completely powered by FAITH, Molshoop spontaneously took form. The idea is to share stories, inspirations, testimonies, advice - whether it be for start-ups, new moms, emotional "issues", relationship advice, recipes, what ever you feel will be worth it that'll impact the minds & hearts of others - I have this vision that it will not be defined by race differences, not targeted to just one personality, demographic or "click" type, but unite in love and care.
I aspire to make this Magazine/Flipbook as visually appealing and entirely different from the norm as possible. With a vision that each issue will have a different feel to it than the previous, always growing, and always inspiring. Encouraging experts and the "normal Joes & Janes" (weirdos unite) to submit their stories to share with others that might benefit from it.
In the Bible we read about the "Band of Misfits" (disciples), that changed the world through love and understanding of each other, and Molshoop would like this to be the centre from where everything shines forth.
Writers are giving generously of themselves, to share their experiences and wisdom, being part of this journey creating change, by taking their precious time to dedicate words to pages. Molshoop is shared FREE of charge and all contributing writers are doing it absolutely FREE to ensure we reach others that might be inspired by the content.
We strive to keep a happy feel to it so that all who receive it will be excited as there will be something of worth for them to read, relate with and share with others...
Embracing differences...
Molshoop welcomes each and all, from CEO to Janitor, Sweepers to Doctors, to join hands and unite in love all around SA. Let's ruffle some feathers, lets create a change, lets not let differences stand in our way, but find the things we have in common and embrace the light that we were meant to be.
To all that's been part of this journey so far, a great big thank you. And Molshoop is looking forward to welcoming many others in the future (readers, writers, and all alike).
Love & Light.